Sunday, October 2, 2016

Dried figs with raw cacao, sesame, amaranth, bee pollen etc

raw food recipe with dried figs and chocolate
Dried figs with raw cacao, sesame seeds, amaranth seeds, poppy seeds, anise seeds,
bee pollen, green beans, nutmeg, cinnamon, wheatgrass powder, apple, banana.

This is a tasty raw dish with a sweet taste that can be eaten either alone, or as a dessert after the main dish.

What you will need

  • water (1½ cup)
  • dried figs (8)
  • raw cacao powder (2 teaspoons)
  • sesame seeds (1 teaspoon)
  • amaranth seeds (2 teaspoons)
  • poppy seeds (1 teaspoon)
  • anise seeds ground (1 dash)how much is a dash?
  • bee pollen (1 teaspoon)
  • green beans (10)
  • nutmeg ground (1 smidgen)how much is a smidgen?
  • cinnamon ground (1 pinch)how much is a pinch?
  • wheatgrass powder (½ teaspoon)
  • apple (1)
  • banana (1)


You will need to begin the night before the day you want to prepare this dish.

1. Pour 1½ cup of water in a bowl and add the sesame, amaranth and poppy seeds. Place a lid over the bowl and let them to soak overnight.

2. next day chop the figs into pieces
3. chop the green beans into pieces
4. add a dash of ground anise seeds
5. add a smidgen or so ground nutmeg
6. add a pinch or so ground cinnamon
7. add ½ teaspoon wheatgrass powder
8. add two teaspoons raw cacao powder
9. add a teaspoon bee pollen
10. add the final ingredients by chopping  into pieces the apple and the banana
11. finally, crush the banana into smaller pieces and blend them all thoroughly

Saturday, October 1, 2016

dash - smidgen - pinch: measuring spoons

How much is a dash, a pinch, a smidgen? Here is a reference point about the different measuring sizes.
source: apronfreecooking